Sunday, August 16, 2009

Spots facts

Beauty Solving Skin Problems

I’m here to talk all about spots, everyone gets spot some more than others but it happens and we let it bother us. It ruins our confident and even ruins our day. So you can get spots on your face, back, neck, chest and they can happen for many different reasons like stress, diet, vitamin deficiency, age and also it can be inherited!

Okay so there are many types of spot and they should all be treated differently!
Here are some of the main ones:

Whiteheads – are follicles that are filled with plugs of sebum and sloughed-off cells, but have only a microscopic opening to the skin surface. Since the air cannot reach the follicle, the material is not oxidized, and remains white.

Blackhead - are filled with plugs of sebum and sloughed-off cells and have undergone a chemical reaction resulting in the oxidation of melanin. This gives the material in the follicle the typical black color. (Hence blackheads)

Cyst - is a closed sac or cyst below the surface of the skin that has a lining that resembles the uppermost part of a hair follicle and fills with a fatty white, semi-solid material called sebum. Sebum is produced by sebaceous glands of the epidermis.

Papules- Tender varying in size from a pinhead to 1 cm they can be brown, purple, pink or red in colour may open when scratched and become infected and crusty

Pustules- A pustule is different from a pimple only because it contains white blood cells. As the immune system fights off the infection, sometimes white blood cells pile up creating pus in the pore.

Nodules- are painful; deep under the skin can grow to quite large sizes and last a long time.

Friday, August 7, 2009


Hey Every one so glad you're joining me here at my new beauty blog. I decided to create a blog so that the questions i get asked on youtube by my viewer could be shared with every one. I also wanted some where i can write about my favourite product and tips and hints i give out in every one of my videos!- also you can join me on twitter for a more of a personal side